Friday, September 25, 2009

R.I.P. Swampy

We lost a true pioneer in the medical marijuana field a few days ago...He was also a dear friend.

Swampy passed away from complications of cancer among other ailments. He was one of the people using the Rick Simpson oil to treat his cancer. It did work while he was using it, however as his illness worsened a conflict arose between his prescribed medications for his blood, and the vegetable oil used in the process of making the Simpson Oil. I'm not exactly sure what the issue was, but he could no longer continue to use both.

We found out on the way to our compassion club meeting. I was so shaken, and it was difficult not to make an announcement at that nights meeting in his honor but it had only been a matter of hours since his passing and a lot of his family had not been notified yet so we kept it quiet out of respect.

After the meeting we held an after meeting around the campfire. In attendance was swampy's caregiver who helped him in the end. We smoked in his honor and tears filled my eyes as I stared up into bright star lit sky. I know he was watching us smoke the strain he created, Free Leonard.

He told us something I will never, ever forget. Swampy smoked an ounce of marijuana a day to self medicate and treat his illness'. This was common knowledge. When he got ill and had to be hospitalized he could not smoke anything, and that is when he lost his battle.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Ripped !

Well, the leaders meeting came and went in Lansing. I was not too impressed with the information. They were bluntly honest in saying that they knew we were all looking for answers and direction, but that they could only give us the information they had and that information was changing day to day.

This meeting also left me with a great deal of confidence in what I am accomplishing. I used to kind of feel that I was really the newbie in all of this. I had never grown a plant and I really didn't know the growers lingo. I felt lost a lot of the time. I kept on with the club though, mostly faking it and it pretty much always worked out. What I realized last week was that I am right on par with most of these other club leaders. They have the same questions I do, in other words they are just learning too. I feel better. I can do this. I am doing this, and it's working.

Now, some bad news. A board member from our club got his plants ripped last night. He was two weeks away from harvest and they took everything that was ready. They picked the lock and took off through the back woods. No physical damage, but he lost $10,000 dollars worth of plants. I am so sick over this. He has patients that have been waiting for their meds for months and now he has nothing to give them. The police were called and came out to make a report but nothing beyond that so far.
I'll keep you posted as this progresses.

For now, our next meeting is scheduled for this coming Wednesday. We're ready to go with announcements and such. We're searching for board members and volunteers to help us grow. It's taking off and I'm on for the ride.

Talk to you soon.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Tomorrow's The Day!

Tomorrow we have the leaders meeting in Lansing. There is quite a buzz going around and it looks like there will be a strong turnout. Heh, imagine a bunch of well medicated potheads sitting in a room trying to argue. Makes me laugh.

So I am going with my two friends who run the club with me. They are a couple of great guys and we really seem to get along well. We have our questions well thought out and we will come away from this meeting with a much better sense of where we can go with our compassion club.

Got my meds, I'm good to go. My baby is doing well too. Growing strong!

See ya.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

staying focused

I'm trying to focus on the harvest and I have put the brakes on buying any more meds so I can put my funds into my grow room. It's bad...Really bad. Fuck. I want to relax. We have the compassion club leaders meeting next Saturday in Lansing. I'm really looking forward to meeting all of the other leaders and seeing where I am on level with other clubs. This will also be the time to decide if we are going to sanction our club under the MMMA. If we do then we can start applying for funding. I will admit, it will be vital that I be medicated before I walk into that meeting. That is the only way I can think before I speak, and I have to make a great first impression. Wish me luck!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Christmas Tree

I got a great gift the other day, a six week old white widow plant. I have her under the light and she is doing quite well. The log book is in place and we are a go! My initial goal when starting was to be able to go to my room Christmas morning and enjoy some sweet bud from my own plant. Looks like it's going to be a very merry Christmas. I also stopped by the fish store and got new plants for my aquarium. I really enjoyed putting them in last night, it's been awhile since I've felt like doing the things that bring me peace. I have some Free Leonard meds right now, and I really, really enjoy them. This is the strain that was developed by swampy, a friend of mine, in honor of Leonard Peltier. Swampy is now very sick with throat and lung cancer. He is being treated with some of peanut butters oil that I talked about in my last post. It shrank his tumors. It's documented and I pray that someday that documentation will be used in a medical journal. I'll post a pic soon of my plant. Have a great last holiday weekend of the summer. Personally, I love this time of year best. The kids go back to school Tuesday. Can't wait!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Peanutbutter's Oil

This man is amazing. Please take the time to watch.